The 31st March is the end of the Financial year. Following this date, Parish Councils follow a process to adhere to requirements for Audit. This includes the completion of a document called the ‘Annual Return’ by the 30th June each year, publication of a bank reconciliation as at 31st March, explanations as to significant variances between the current year’s figures and the previous year and a copy of the Asset Register.

The dates of the Audit period, during which the Parish Council’s financial records are open to public scrutiny, are posted on each of the Parish Council’s notice boards and this website. The Audit period lasts for 30 days and always includes the first ten working days in July.

Below are links to significant documents for the last four Financial Years.

Audit for 2023-24

Audit for 2022-23

Audit for 2018-19

Audit for 2017-18